Sheep Dipping

All Sheep dips contain hazardous substances. In order to kill the parasites on sheep the sheep dip must be absorbed through the parasites skin.  When dipping sheep or handling afterwards handlers are most at risk from absorption through the skin. Farmers and other who are involved in sheep dipping must act responsibly in order to protect their own health and the environment.

Organophosphate (OP) Sheep dips are regulated as veterinary medicinal products by the Irish Medicines Board (IMB). To avoid the ill- health effects from sheep dips farmers should consider using alternative products, isolate the handler from the sheep dip and use proper protective equipment and clothing.

The Irish Medicines Board provides a list of approved products which include:

Irish Medicines Board
COOPERS ECTOFORCE SHEEP DIP 60 Cutaneous EmulsionSchering Plough Limited 10277/085/001 
ECTOFLITS SUMMER AND WINTER SHEEP DIP 60%W/W DIP C 60 Cutaneous Solution ConcentrateCross Vetpharm Group Ltd. 10960/063/001 
OSMONDS GOLDFLEECE FLY AND WINTER DIP 60 Cutaneous Solution ConcentrateCross Vetpharm Group Ltd. 10960/009/001 
SUMMER DIP 10 concentrate for cutaneous emulsionHygeia Chemicals Ltd 10203/002/001 
WINTER DIP 10 concentrate for cutaneous emulsionHygeia Chemicals Ltd 10203/001/001 

For further information on these products, and other products authorised by the IMB, visit the IMB website using the following link:

For further information and advice for persons involved in Sheep Dipping visit the Health and Safety Executive (UK) website using the following link:

For further information on the health effects to users of organophosphate sheep dips read the article below from the website :

Sheep Dips New Study June (size 89.1 KB)

For further information on specifications for Sheep Dipping and Handling Facilities visit the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food website at the following link: